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Code of Conduct/ Client Consent

Please read carefully before booking an appointment


By attending your appointment, you the owner confirm that your dog is fit and healthy. Grooming of sick or elderly dogs is entirely at owners risk. Pretty Paws Grooming do not take responsibility if your dog develops allergic reactions to shampoos, conditioners, or any other grooming products. (Please do inform me of ANY irritations/allergies that you or your pet has as there are measures we can implement to minimise certain factors). Your pet must be fully vaccinated (if a puppy/kitten then it must have had its 2nd vaccination and if an adult dog/cat then it must be up to date with its yearly vaccines). Please make sure all dogs are well walked and given ample opportunity to toilet before coming to their pet grooming appointment. 

No liability will be accepted by Pretty Paws Grooming when any health problem is uncovered or aggravated, by any part of the grooming process.


I reserve the right to muzzle your dog if it represents danger to me or itself. Please let me know beforehand if your pet has behavioural problems. Pretty Paws Grooming has the right to refuse/abort the service required at any time before or during the service being carried out if your pet presents a danger to itself or the groomer and you the owner will be responsible to pay for the service in full if you have not previously declared to Pretty Paws Grooming your pets behavioural problem. No liability will be accepted by Pretty Paws Grooming in any accidental injury caused by difficult or aggressive behaviour by your pet.


Pretty Paws Grooming will use restraining straps such as a grooming noose to help support your pet and help keep your pet safe during its groom/procedure. Here at Pretty Paws Grooming, we believe that your pets safety and welfare come before vanity. This approach will ALWAYS be taken. Pretty Paws Grooming offer a 1:1 service to help limit stress to your pets. By offering a 1:1 service, Pretty Paws Grooming believe your pet will have a better grooming experience, especially if your pet is nervous or if it is their first time being professionally groomed.


Here at Pretty Paws Grooming we always take extreme caution whilst using sharp tools within our grooming salon, however unfortunately at times accidents can happen. I use very sharp professional scissors and clippers on a moving object (your pet). In most cases grooming accidents happen whilst a pet is wriggling or moving around. Every precaution will be taken to prevent any injuries from occurring. If an accident occurs in which I need to take your dog to a local vet, please be aware that YOU THE OWNER are LIABLE FOR ANY COSTS.


Pets with matted coats require extra attention during their grooming session. Mats that are left can cause pain and injury to your pets skin and can damage their coat. Unfortunately when a coat is very matted the only option would be to shave the coat very short. Pretty Paws Grooming do not accept liability for any conditions arising following the clipping of a matted coat. This can include irritation, redness, or nicks to your pet’s skin. Conditions can begin underneath knots/mats which will only be seen once the knots/ mats have been removed. Examples include but are not exempt to are hotspots, sores, dry skin, irritated skin, flystrike etc.  I will advise if I feel a vet needs to take a look at the condition of your pet. Be aware it will feel odd to your dog to have all these knots/mats removed so please be vigilant in the days following a clip off to prevent any unnecessary injuries occurring from scratching after a clip down (clipping fur very short to make your pet more comfortable and for its welfare).

If you are aware that your pets coat is matted, you agree to inform your pet groomer upon booking the appointment.

If you fail to inform Pretty Paws Grooming that your pet has matted fur, an additional £10 per 30 minutes extra grooming time will be applied which will need to be paid in full on collection of your pet. This additional cost will also be applied if the owner was unaware of the pets coat being matted but was identified during the pets groom. The reason for the added cost would be for the time as well as dulling of equipment. Please note that the pet groomer at Pretty Paws Grooming will make every effort to get in contact with you before starting the required de mat. Here at Pretty Paws Grooming we stand by the fact that comfort must come before vanity in all grooms.


Removing the outer hair from your pet’s ears can sometimes irritate the delicate parts on your pet’s ears and lead to ear problems on rare occasions. Plucking the hair from a pet’s ear leaves minute openings on the skin where bacteria could settle more easily. An ear pluck WILL NOT be carried out if a problem was identified. Pretty Paws Grooming will advise you the owner to seek vet advice for your pet if there are issues present. It is YOU THE OWNERS RESPONIBILITY to inform Pretty Paws Grooming if your dog has had or currently has any ear problems. Pretty Paws Grooming accepts NO responsibility if problems arise from ear plucking.


If your pet is found to have fleas and Pretty Paws Grooming has not been informed by you the owner there will be an ADDITIOAL COST OF £10 to pay for the products required to treat the salon. If you have informed Pretty Paws Grooming, there will not be an additional fee as we will take extra steps in the bathing process to maximise the effect of washing them off the dog whilst bathing. Please note that bathing your pet in Insecticidal shampoo may not necessarily remove all fleas/ticks/mites/lice from your pet and therefore keeping up to date with Enodparacite and Ectoparacite (worms) preventative treatment is must for your pets welfare.


Here at Pretty Paws Grooming our groomer is a qualified Veterinary Nurse, therefore we can offer this service. Anal Gland emptying will NOT be performed if any abnormalities were found. If your pet suffers with their Anal Glands (such as Anal Gland compactions and other Anal Gland problems) it is you THE OWNERS RESPONIBILITY to inform Pretty Paws Grooming prior to booking this service. Pretty Paws Grooming will not offer Anal Gland emptying to pets which have ANY abnormalities with their Anal Glands. If YOU THE OWNER do not inform Pretty Paws Grooming (prior to this service being carried out) that your pet has Anal Gland abnormalities, and this procedure is carried out and a problem occurs then you THE OWNER will take full responsibility for this and YOU THE OWNER will pay full Veterinary costs for any problem that may occur.


Pretty Paws Grooming work by appointment only and therefore we do not offer a walk-in service. Please be punctual. If you are late more than 15 mins, your appointment will be rescheduled, and you will lose your deposit. Most grooms take 2 hours or more depending on the size and the temperament of the pet, and its coat condition. You will be advised what time to collect your pet. Please be punctual (early) as Pretty Paws Grooming CAN NOT accept the next pet until the previous pet has left.  Please note if you are 15 minutes or more late to collect your pet and you have not informed us that you are going to be late, then YOU THE OWNER will be charged for late collection as we are unable to continue with the next groom/procedure.


Pretty Paws Grooming request 3 days (72 hours) notice if you need to cancel your appointment. Less than this or a no show and your deposit will be lost, and a new deposit will need to be paid to secure the next scheduled appointment. Here at Pretty Paws Grooming we understand there may be emergency situations and we will work with you with this.


Please pay by BACS (Bank Transfer) before your scheduled appointment. An invoice will be emailed to you before your groom appointment.

Or if it is not possible to do BACS then Pretty Paws Grooming will accept cash – Please place only the EXACT MONEY IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR LAST NAME AND PETS NAME ON THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE (no change will be kept in the salon). This is to limit contact due to COVID-19.

Please not that a 50% deposit is required at time of booking. The rest of total bill will be required to be paid on arrival at the salon.


If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your pet’s groom, please let Pretty Paws Grooming know as soon as possible. You will receive a thank you email – please reply to this with any issues or questions you have, and I will reply as soon as possible. Please also reply if you are happy with the groom.


Your pet may be photographed before, during and after their groom. Photographs may be used on Pretty Paws Grooming website, social media, or other printed materials. You accept that Pretty Paws Grooming do not need to inform you when they do this. Pictures of your pet that are taken whilst at Pretty Paws Grooming are the property of the company Pretty Paws Grooming.

Please note Pretty Paws Grooming is not a Veterinary clinic, therefore no Veterinary appointments can be made at this Salon.

All clients must fill out, sign and date a record card along with a consent form before any procedures can be carried out by Pretty Paws Grooming for your pet.

A client consent form will be emailed to you the owner beforehand and it will need to be signed by the owner of the pet in order for their pets procedure to be carried out. If you do not have an email address please let Pretty Paws Grooming know in advance so that we can print a Client Consent form out for you before you arrive for your pets appointment.

Code of Conduct: About
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